

Cycles Trailer


Cycles Trailer

“Cycles” is a new trailer that interviews cycling figures in Italy. Beginning with Alberto Masi, a frame builder named Soldino Soldani and two different shops: Ciclistica in Milan and Iride Fixed in Modena.

Red Hook Criterium Milano Video


Red Hook Criterium Milano Video

Here’s the first Red Hook Crit Milano video I’ve found on Vimeo or Youtube that’s worth posting. It catches some spills at that turn everyone was complaining about as well as the final moments in the race, leading up to the finish sprint, which I still haven’t seen any video of. Who’s got it?

Red Hook Crit Milano is Tomorrow!


Red Hook Crit Milano is Tomorrow!

For those lucky enough to be in Italy for the Red Hook Crit Milano, here’s the event schedule:

SUNDAY OCTOBER 14th, 2012 – (times subject to change)
Ex Ansaldo at Via Tortona 54 (entrance at the corner of Via Tortona and Via Ambrogio da Fossano Bergognone)
Directions to the Event
ATHLETE CHECK IN: 12:00 – 14:00
BIKE RACE: 15:00
PODIUM: 16:00

Check out Red Hook Crit for more information and if it rains, you should read up here about how to handle those conditions.

Interbike 2012: Pegoretti


Interbike 2012: Pegoretti

One of my favorite booths at Interbike this year was Dario Pegoretti‘s. Every time I walked past it, people were swarming to see the hand made steel masterpieces from Italy, rendering it almost impossible to get a clear photo of any of the frames. Since he had the only booth with hand-made track bikes in it, I had to get up close and personal with them.

While describing what makes Pegoretti Cicli’s work different from American builders, I overheard the rep say something to the effect of this: “Dario is from a long line of Italian frame builders. People who found a way to mix production with perfection. None of these American builders are capable of producing the quality and quantity as Dario…”

Arrogant? Sure. But hey, they’re Italian and with these bikes, it’s hard to argue otherwise.

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