

The Ten Best Horror Films for Adventure Cyclists


The Ten Best Horror Films for Adventure Cyclists

Just like the rows of bagged candy at your grocery store, or the fountains of pumpkin spice latte at your coffee shop, you can’t escape Halloween once October hits. Not even here at The Radavist. Travis Engel has jumped on the spooky-season bandwagon with a list of scary movies (and one scary short film) that will strike a nerve for anyone who likes riding to the middle of nowhere…

Like Cycling? And Adventure? How About a Free 6-Month Trial to Adventure Cycling?


Like Cycling? And Adventure? How About a Free 6-Month Trial to Adventure Cycling?

We’re Offering a Free 6-Month Trial Membership to Adventure Cycling Association

The Radavist and Adventure Cycling are teaming up to offer you a free 6-month trial membership to Adventure Cycling Association.

As a nonprofit organization, Adventure Cycling Association’s mission is to inspire, empower and connect people to travel by bicycle. As a passionate group of bicycle travelers, they believe that any adventure, no matter how small or large, can be a transformative experience.

Perks of membership with Adventure Cycling include:
-A subscription to Adventure Cyclist – the only magazine dedicated to bicycle travel
-Discounts on Adventure Cycling maps as well as deals on hotel stays, gear, and apparel
-Access to trip planning resources and more!

Head on over to Adventure Cycling to sign up!

Adventure Cyclist Magazine is Seeking an Editor-in-Chief


Adventure Cyclist Magazine is Seeking an Editor-in-Chief

While we’re typically not in a space to post job openings in the cycling industry, this one feels like an opportunity ripe for those wanting to push the Adventure Cycling Association forward in a great direction. Right now, Adventure Cyclist Magazine is hiring for an Editor-in-Chief:

“Directs the planning, production, and administration surrounding Adventure Cyclist magazine, which includes working with an established corps of 40+ freelance contributors, pioneering new contributors, and working closely with other programs/departments to promote internal business units that are critical to the success of the organization.”

See the full lineup at ACA!

Adventure Cycling’s New Podcast, Dynamo Jenny!


Adventure Cycling’s New Podcast, Dynamo Jenny!

Dynamo Jenny, a podcast from Adventure Cycling, is a binge-able, 6-episode audio dive into women’s experiences traveling the world by bike.

The advent of the bicycle coincided with, and influenced, the rise of the women’s rights movement in the late nineteenth century. But, by some accounts, it could be argued that cycling was more gender-inclusive then than it is today. Dynamo Jenny, Adventure Cycling’s first-ever podcast, explores the dynamics of women, bikes, and taking on public space in America through personal stories from the people who ride.

Podcast host, Jessica Zephyrs, introduces listeners to industry gurus like Nicole Formosa, professional creatives like Hilary Oliver, and a handful of inspiring and hilarious women from all walks of life.

Of the podcast, Jessica says, “With adventure being hard to come by at this particular time, connection and stories are the ways we have to get out of our own headspaces right now. So I’m particularly excited to have the privilege of helping to convey some really lovely, and at times outrageous, personal accounts of bicycle travel.

“The podcast has everything from grizzly bear encounters, an overnighter at a monastery, and on-tour breakups to feminist bicycle history, bicycle clubs for people of color, and a woman who’s trying to find out if she’s the first Black woman to ride the TransAmerica Trail self-supported. These women’s stories hit on some of the most poignant aspects of traveling on a bike: vulnerability, self-doubt, and joy.”

How accessible, here and now, is the freedom and independence that the bicycle first promised? Well, let’s find out.

Trailer Embed Code

Find Dynamo Jenny on all major listening apps, including Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and Stitcher. All episodes are available for download right now, all at once.

Learn more about the podcast, contributors, and art on Adventure Cycling’s website, adventurecycling.org/podcast.

Ally Mabry and Adventure Cycling AMA this Friday!


Ally Mabry and Adventure Cycling AMA this Friday!

Join Ally Mabry, bikepacker extraordinaire, for an AMA on Adventure Cycling’s Instagram Stories.

All you’ve gotta do to join in on the fun is send a DM to Adventure Cycling with your questions to their Instagram, then join Ally Friday, April 10, 1 pm Mountain time.

About Ally:
Since 2014, Ally has slowly worked her way through the many disciplines cycling has to offer: commuter, social cruiser, weekend roadie, road racer, bikepacker, mountain biker, cyclocross racer, ultra-endurance gravel racer, community organizer, print media professional, and beyond.

Some of her favorite bike experiences have included riding the Baja Divide as part of the 2017 grand depart; riding the Oregon Outback twice on two different bikes; riding and then racing the first Arkansas High Country Race (and winning!); leading weekly “Intro to Bikecamping” overnights in Austin; co-founding Pedal Missoula, a “bike fun” advocacy org; racing Dirty Kanza 200; and joining her sister, a first-timer, on Adventure Cycling’s Puerto Rico tour in December.

“Bikes became many things for me: an athletic outlet, a form of meditation, a way to combat heartbreak, my primary mode of transportation, an opportunity to see the world, and entry into a multi-dimensional community.”

Take happy hour early, head on over to Instagram Friday afternoon, and ask Ally all your questions about routes, gear, community organizing, racing silly long distances, and more.

4,000 Miles of Collectibles: The Adventure Cycling Bikecentennial Memorabilia Show


4,000 Miles of Collectibles: The Adventure Cycling Bikecentennial Memorabilia Show

The touring bike goes in and out of fashion quite often, but has always been something special in my book. A bike that can carry everything you need to live, smoothly and reliably across the open roads of America will always be the perfect bicycle to me and the people who ride them will always be the most interesting to talk to. The bicycle tourist may be the one that keeps the great American story teller alive. You’ll find eccentrics, artist, musicians, dirtbags, and all types of bike punks zigzagging their way across the world on these bikes and I think this is what originally drew me to the Bikecenntenial and vintage bicycle touring memorabilia.

DFL the Divide: A Group Tour in Celebration of Adventure Cycling’s 40th


DFL the Divide: A Group Tour in Celebration of Adventure Cycling’s 40th

DFL the Divide: A Group Tour Celebration of Adventure Cycling’s 40th
Words by Spencer Harding, photos by UltraRomance, Mark Reimer, Locke Hassett and Spencer Harding

It all started over beers in Colombia last fall. We had just crossed the pass over Nevado Del Ruiz and we were on our way to Medellin and of course we got to talking about what the next adventure was gonna be before the one at hand was even over. Kurt really wanted to get to Missoula for Adventure Cycling’s 40th celebration and he thought we should ride the section of the tour divide from Banff to Seeley Lake. I was pumped because I missed riding that section with him a few years back. The plan was set, get to Banff on July 5th and get to Missoula by July 15th.

Kyle’s Niner Ros 9+ is Loaded for the Adventure Cycling Bikecentennial Celebration


Kyle’s Niner Ros 9+ is Loaded for the Adventure Cycling Bikecentennial Celebration

Beginning from a cross country bike ride in 1976 to celebrate the U.S. Bicentennial, Adventure Cycling has dedicated its existence to those wishing to explore the cycle touring routes throughout the United States. To commemorate over 40 years of documenting, publishing and celebrating cycle tourism, the ACA is throwing a party in Montana. Dubbed the Montana Bicycle Celebration, riders from all over the country are flocking to Missoula on July 15th through the 17th. It’s this celebration that prompted a rather large group of people to fly into Banff, Alberta and ride to Missoula along the Great Divide Route.

Kyle and Liz are leaving a few days earlier to take their time and soak in the epicness that is the Tour Divide but before he left, I shot some photos of his Ros 9+ with its new Stinner Frameworks fork. This addition allows Kyle to mount Anything Cages to his bike, giving him the extra room he’ll need on this two-week journey.

Hopefully we’ll have photos from this trip up on the site next month, thanks to Andrew The Maker‘s nifty rolltop handlebar camera bag. If you’re going to the ACA Montana Bicycle Celebration, be sure to give this group of wayward riders a high five and a beer!

Adventure Cycling’s Young Adult Bicycle Travel Scholarship


Adventure Cycling’s Young Adult Bicycle Travel Scholarship

“The Young Adult Bike Travel Scholarship program was developed in response to our members’ overwhelming enthusiasm and commitment to Adventure Cycling’s mission to inspire and empower people of all ages to travel by bicycle.

Whether you are new to bicycle travel or looking to build your outdoor leadership skills, this program is here to help get you in the saddle and out on the road by providing classes and resources to young adults ages 18 to 25.

Each of our two scholarship tracks are designed to support riders of varying levels of experience and cover the cost of attending one of our education courses. In addition to providing transportation, accommodation, and course fees, Adventure Cycling will also hook you up with the right gear to plan your next adventure.”

Find out more at Adventure Cycling!