FBM’s Thousand Yard Stare was one of my favorite DVDs of the year and Kenny Horton’s section is about as metal as they come. The first few clips will get your gut wrenching…

FBM’s Thousand Yard Stare was one of my favorite DVDs of the year and Kenny Horton’s section is about as metal as they come. The first few clips will get your gut wrenching…
Venom, FBM and American steel? Hell yes! To coincide with Dillon Leeper’s newest team edit, FBM just released their newest lookbook featuring shirts, rad photos, girls and America. Check it out here, or I’ve embedded it below.
Now something you might not know about Kyle is that below those Birkenstocks lies a doom-metal head, as evident here by his latest video for GSC and Moth Attack:
“I needed a travel bike but didn’t have the money for a custom frame. So Megan at Moth Attack just put S&S Couplers on my FBM Sword.”
Fucking Electric Wizard!
Photo by Kyle Kelley
In fact, Kyle’s Sword has led me to pick one up and probably do the same thing. I wanted a beat-it-to-hell track bike to travel with and lock up at bars / wheelie / thrash around on but I didn’t want to go with a Taiwanese bike. I had completely forgotten about the FBM Sword (as has most of the world). Maybe it’s time for a little Sword resurgence? Made in the USA. Built by dudes who like to party and infused with dragon blood.
And of course Megan at Moth Attack is putting S&S on this beast.
Check it out as FBM Riders Eric Hennessey, Adam Guilliams and Garrett Guilliams hit up some Northeast trails with John “Supes” Skvarla, Pauly Cvikevich, Dave King and “Ekim” King for Tioga BMX. And here I’ve been, sitting indoors all day working on stuff…
FBM has been on a media blitz while I’ve been in Indo. Starting with this video in the American Hand series, featuring Joby Springsteen, the builder of these noble bicycles. And for those wanting to see some Kenny Horton shredding, check out two videos below, they’re just what you need to get your stoked-meter pushing into the red.
I don’t care what wheel size or bicycle you fancy, this should make you want to go on a road trip with your friends. But that’s FBM for ya. The Vagabond Ritual is a new DVD coming out from the Faith Brethern Ministries, so expect this and a lot more.
On a related note, to keep America’s birthday week strong, FBM are now offering custom frames again (that’s a great photo Crandall) and if you can’t afford a custom frame, then why not try to win a Holeshot sprocket on Facebook?
FBM makes the best shirts. Case in point. Show your love for one of the Descendants’ most iconic songs. Pick one up at FBM or through QBP and while we’re talking about QBP, check out Steve’s blog on QBMX!
Cransylvania Hunger from Fluffy Bunny Metal sent over as much metal as he could pack into an email with the 2012 Gypsy 2’s new look and Mr. Eric “Witch Hammer” Hennessey’s section from Thousand Yard Stare. Check that out below.
Support American-made bicycle manufacturers. And beer. Lots of beer.
If I didn’t already have a bitchin’ BMX frame, I would consider getting one of the new Tom Blyth FBM models. Dubbed the Bellwitch, these street-ready frames are made in the USA for an ass-kicking goodtime, no matter where you are.
To get you pumped, here’s Tom’s section from Thousand Yard Stare. It’s one of my favorites on the DVD.
Fat Burly Mermaids just put up their East Coast Roast video from last weekend’s event. Who knows how to party? Those guys. Featuring Van Homan, Kenny Horton, Eric Holladay, Dillon Leeper, James Lukas, Neil Hise, Rob Tibbs, George Dossantos, The guy from the Colombian coffee can and many more…
FBM’s party is going down this weekend. Make sure you roll out to this one. Bummed I can’t be there! Check out more at FBM.
After spending an entire week covering nothing but track bikes, I was stoked to see a new video from FBM. Nice vibes in this one.
Just read the copy in this flier and your mind will be blow. The world’s first ramp stunt over the world’s largest cup of coffee. Or something like that. FBM clearly went nuts this winter! I wish I could be there.
Crand Master Flask emailed me a link to the full-length Dumpster Dive Pizza video. This is a must watch, I don’t care what kind of bike you ride.
“Unused clips, Seconds, leftovers, ABD’s and more. This is not a full feature production. This is a greasy mess…”
And if you haven’t picked up Thousand Yard Stare, do so now!
How stoked was I to see this on FBM’s blog today? It’s not everyday that you see a Helm of Awe Viking shirt in the wild, especially with such a rad group of dudes. Crandall wrote up something on the blog about currency and how times with your friends riding bikes is better than anything money can buy:
“Currency is typically defined as money, dollars, whathaveyou…something that represents value, something you can trade.
I just spent the past 3 weeks in a van with much of the FBM crew traveling the States, visiting friends, riding spots, meeting new friends, sharing good times, etc…
For us the price of a gallon a gas was often more than we spent on meals, eating ramen noodles, store brand soup out of a can, sleeping at friends houses, in parking lots, on the ground, in the van, on a couch.
On this trip the currency was the generosity of good people, our friends, sharing their spots, their floors, their coffee, sometimes a tube to fix a flat tire, sometimes a home cooked meal and shower, and all the time, sharing their awesomeness with us. In return all our friends asked for, without saying anything, was a smile, and a hi five, to the tune of a clicking freewheel or the click and pop of a can opening.
Thanks to everyone we caught up with, for the good times, and the reminder that one of the most valuable commodities is friendship!”
Amen brother. Check out more AWESOME photos from FBM’s recent trip here on the blog. Bummed I missed you guys!