

Pearl Velo: New Camo Trucker Hats


Pearl Velo: New Camo Trucker Hats

I’ve never been a fan of the snapback or the 3 panel but the trucker hat I could get down with. When a box arrived from Denver’s Pearl Velo containing this hat, I got real stoked. Herringbone Twill Camo (HBT) is one of my favorite patterns and I love the Pearl Velo logo. Now, I have no idea where you can get one of these, other than their shop, so call or email the shop to order.

Can I just say how stoked I am on NAHBS this year? I’m bringing my cross bike. Let’s get muddy.

Peonfx: New Goods for 2012


Peonfx: New Goods for 2012

One of the main reasons why I had so much fun at the 2012 Rocket Company Fixed Fest in Jakarta is because I finally got to meet a lot of the Asian brands that I’ve been hearing about for years. The Singapore scene seems to be exploding as much as the Indo scene and Peonfx has a ton of new shirts and caps out there that will surely suit your stylistic needs.

These new snapbacks are killer and the 99 Cranks shirt is a personal favorite. The Jamsran Tsam mask in the crank arm is one killer logo. Check out the full Peonfx line here.