

Sea Otter Classic 2024: Hudski Bikes Dualist V3 – All the Updates


Sea Otter Classic 2024: Hudski Bikes Dualist V3 – All the Updates

The Radavist thanks 1-Up USA for sponsoring our Sea Otter Classic 2024 coverage!

At Sea Otter Classic 2024, John caught up with Hudski Bikes to check out their new V3 Doggler prototype, which the brand i calling the Dualist. If you recall, John loved the Hudski Doggler V2 he reviewed last year and made some mindful notes of what he’d change in the next version of this affordable jack-of-all-trades flat bar bike. Did Hudski read his notes? Read on to find out…


VIDEO: Hudski Bikes Follow Cam Kite

Next up with some April Fools’ foolery is from Hudski Bikes… We’ve all thought about it, but has anyone tried it? A follow cam kite, or what we’re calling the “FCK it” for short. No batteries needed, no fancy drone piloting necessary, just traditional Japanese kit making and an iPhone. Huck it and FCK it!

Hybrid Moments: A Hudski Doggler Review


Hybrid Moments: A Hudski Doggler Review

As cyclists, we love bikes that can do more than one thing. A Swiss Army knife rather than a scalpel, if you will. So when a bike like the Hudski Doggler passes through my possession, I want to find its limits and then push through them. I’ve spent a few months riding the Doggler around Santa Fe, in and around our beloved Santa Fe National Forest, and I’m ready to spill the beans on what makes this bike so appropriate for gravel and mountain riding…

Bikes We Liked from the 2022 Sea Otter Classic


Bikes We Liked from the 2022 Sea Otter Classic

The good ol’ Sea Otter Classic can be an overwhelming experience with its plethora of products and bikes. Here at The Radavist, we try to sift through the dirt to find the chunks of gold, which is what we did this year, profiling a selection of bikes from vintage, to new, including some randoms we found meandering the wind-blown aisles of this lovely event. Check out some beauts below!