Once again, Joe McKeag delivers over a minute of bangers through the lens of Wolf Drawn.

Once again, Joe McKeag delivers over a minute of bangers through the lens of Wolf Drawn.
Short, sweet and filled with hammers. I always enjoy anything these two put out.
The newest issue of Greg Falski’s free online publication, Stoked on Fixed Bikes is now online. There’s a great article on Joe McKeag and a Other Side of Lens interview with me. Check it out above or on the Issuu page.
I love that photo of Dan!
Photos by Matt Lingo
San Diego is where Matt Lingo calls home and over the past few weeks, a bunch of the Cali FGFS riders have made the trip down to shoot with him, both in his studio and out at spots. The photo above is of Congo, but check out a few more of Santos, McKeag and Johnny below.
Matt compiled all the extra footage from 2012 into a quick, two and a half minute B Roll edit.
Photo by Matt Spencer
Matt from Wolf Drawn posted up this rad photo of Joe McKeag hitting a nice wallplant off the skinny ledge in the background.
Joe has been stacking clips on his new Bombtrack rig for a while now and finally put this edit up. His style is still one of the best around and even though I can’t help but think of Donnie Darko here, it’s well worth the watch. The dude just hammers away nollie bar 180s, 180 tables and clean 720 airs at the local park.
I’ve said it since the beginning: Joe McKeag rips. I met him two years ago and he was already killing it. Now, in his newest video, he shreds the streets, parks and ditches of Long Beach. So good!
This is so sick. Nothing like some super street tech with the LBC guys and JRuff from Seattle. Good vibes here.
Matt from Wolf Drawn just uploaded a bunch of older clips from this summer. Such solid riding from the usual suspects. Nicely done guys.
I can’t stop… laughing! So good!
Joe McKeag delivers some of his heavy-hitting lines in this welcome video for Royal HC. He throws down switch 3’s, 540 cabs and big 180’s like it’s no big deal.
Photo by Matt Lingo
These two have such the blossoming bromance and they’re real powerhouses. Joe McKeag and Congo are two characters in FGFS and Matt Lingo caught some of their moves over on Rec Fail.
Photos by Matt Lingo
The first installment of the fixed freestyle video magazine, Can’t Fool the Youth, premiered last week at LDG. Matt Lingo was there to document the premiere and the trick jam that went down. Head over to Rec Fail to see the rest. Love these photos Matt!
In the grand tradition of Gus Molina and his fun edits, here’s ½ Assed v.6.
Oh my god, #fixiejesus saves us. This is amazing. Just watch…
Photo by Matt Lingo
Zen Grips has quite the team. While Matt Lingo was in LA, he met up with Joe, Congo and Rory to shoot some photos at a local park. Check out more at Rec Fail and see more Zen-related news here.
LDG just posted up some sick photos of Joe McKeag riding at Woodward West. Check out the rest here! Matt, did you shoot these?