We often see the results and final matches from Six Day races, but this video looks at the culture surrounding and attending the event. Nicely done!
Sixdays Berlin Video Recap
Rad Race put together a video recap series from Sixdays Berlin. Here’s days 1-3 and you can see the rest at the Rad Race Vimeo page.

Trackside ’85 at the Berlin Six Day Race – Staffan Jofjell
Trackside ’85 at the Berlin Six Day Race – Staffan Jofjell
Words by Staffan Weigel, photos by Staffan Jofjell
Although it’s far from the spartan life of East Berlin, living in the west part of town is not always easy. The instability in world politics is constantly reminding the citizens of how vulnerable their city is. West Berliners stoically maintain a spirit of normality in their isolation. Their celebrations and manifestations of life before the wall serve as rituals that keep the absurdity of the surrounded city at bay…

Stoemper Goes to Amsterdam
Well, Guy East goes to the Six Day in Amsterdam on his Stoemper. Oh and he wins the derny race! I love short and sweet videos.