Yanco has been busy making tons of camo products for Tracko. These drop any second now at Tracko’s webshop, so you better act fast!

Yanco has been busy making tons of camo products for Tracko. These drop any second now at Tracko’s webshop, so you better act fast!
Now’s your chance to pre-order one of those super rare Ramblin Rolls from Yanco and Tracko. The pre-order is open until the slots fill up, with a turnaround of 6-8 weeks. Head over to the Tracko webshop to place an order.
Photos by Kyle Kelley
If you’re in LA and are lookin to get your hair cut, make sure you check out Vinny’s Barber Shop. Why? Because Omar is a righteous dude. Head over to the All-City blog to read up on this stallion of a man and see more of Kyle’s photos!
Artist Richard Pool brought two of his favorite websites together for a #HardstyleWednesday pose. We’re blushing over here and I’m sure Tracko is too… Check out more of Richard’s work at his Instagram account @alpha_lazer.
… and other goods. You know the deal, head to Tracko to swoop now!
Photos by Sean Talkington
The last time I was in Los Angeles, Sean had his Yashica on a ride we did up the 2 one morning. It was the most epic I’ve ever seen that lonely highway and his photos really captured the mood. I love the shot of Kyle and the crow.
See the Full 36 Number 20 at Sean’s Flickr. Now what’s up with that jersey, Kyle?
Photo by Kyle Kelley
If there’s one thing Kyle loves, it’s track bikes. Oh and pizza and coffee and karoake… And California and this Kalavinka. Check out more photos of this beaut at Tracko!
Photo by Kyle Kelley
Slawta has created some of the most unique and ostentatious frame designs under his moniker Land Shark. Every time I see one of his works of art, I’m completely mesmerized, especially when neon paint is involved. Kyle recently shot this unique triple triangle track and I don’t wanna give too much of it away, so you’ll have to head over to Trackosaurus Rex to see the rest.
A while back, I gave Kyle from Tracko a Forestbound zippered pouch that was made from old M90 camouflage. Kyle and Bobby at Endo Customs made a pattern from that pouch, which was later used in the original Tracko vest.
Each year, Kyle sells a variation of his splinter camo, so this year, I asked if he’d want to do a collaboration. Pure and simple, this Blackened Splinter Camo jersey is just at home in the woods as it is on the road. Mix it with your favorite bibs, or the green Tracko splinter bibs…
Made in the USA by Endo Customs in Downtown LA, these jerseys are $135 plus shipping ($7 US and $15 international) and are in stock now. They will start to ship this week and will come with a replaceable zipper pull for those of you who don’t like the metal zipper.
Scoop one up below. Sorry, Sold out!
If you’ve missed putting in a pre-order for Ramblin Rolls in the past, here’s another chance. I have these on all of my bikes and wouldn’t use anything else for a flat-fix kit. Pre-order now at Tracko!
Well, he’s not selling it himself and it’s not your everyday bike. This one’s dripping with Campagnolo Pista. The price is $1,100 complete, as shown on Tracko’s Flickr. Head over to Tracko to see more details.
Tracko did a nice photo-comparison of the new Kryptonite Mini Evo Lite u-lock, versus the older Krypto Mini Evo. These locks are now available at your local bike shop, so head over and see for yourself. Don’t forget to register your keys too!
Photo by Ace Carretero
… unless it’s for fun. Have a great weekend, everyone. Great photo, Ace!
The ever so popular, yet impossible to order Ramblin Rolls are back up for pre-order. That means if you ordered them on the last run, yours is en route.
Head over to Tracko to get on that!
Man, there have been some great videos as of late!
“Tracko is for the children! Starring Andrew, Alberto, and Dermy. Watch Kyle take these kids through his old stomping grounds.”
Nice one Ace!
Since everyone always misses out on these Ramblin Rolls, Kyle at Tracko and Yanco are doing a pre-order. Don’t slack on this though, because it’s limited to 100 spots with a six-week wait time. If all goes smooth, they’ll keep doing this, every six weeks.
Head to Tracko now to pre-order a Ramblin Roll!
Photo by Kyle Kelley
Damn, Kyle, that is a great photo. See more of this stunning track bike at Trackosaurus Rex!
The Tracko “Snow Splinter” pre-order closes today. I am really stoked on this kit, because it’s so subtle. Subtle like Kyle’s gentle touch. Pre-order a jersey for men, jersey for women, bibs for men and shorts for women at Tracko’s web shop!